Koh-Lanta: Louana and Maxime eliminated, return of a mythical event for the pairs!

This Tuesday, May 17, 2022, TF1 is broadcasting a new episode of Koh-Lanta, The Cursed Totem. After the elimination of Anne-Sophie last week, it is now time for a new element that could well turn everything upside down. Since the reunification, the ex-reds, more numerous, impose themselves as masters of the game and eliminate the ex-yellows one by one. From now on, Denis Brogniart announces that they will all be linked in pairs! Summary of this evening.

Composition of pairs and comfort game

Above all, the ten adventurers meet for a draw. Here then the composition of the pairs :

Amber and Bastien

Olga and Francois

Louana and Maxime

Nicolas and Jean-Charles

Geraldine and Fouzi

Place now in the game which takes place in two stages. First, the pairs will have to taste two courses (one each) of unappetizing dishes as quickly as possible. In the plates of this mythical tasting test, a cockroach, a coconut worm, a tamilok (worm that lives in wood), a scorpion, a fish eye, a centipede and a coconut worm. As soon as this is done, their mission is to jump into a puddle of mud and fill their bucket. The first pair to reach a certain level of mud wins the game.

The reward is envy: a getaway with two lobster fishermen who live on site then a tasting of fish with grilled vegetables. For complete comfort, the winning duo will spend the night in a hammock facing the sunset.

All surpass themselves and the victory is finally for Ambre and Bastien.

While the duo are enjoying their superb comfort, the others are already thinking about the board. Louana hopes to save herself and plans to vote against Géraldine and Fouzi.

Immunity test

This time the winners will be immune and the losers will face the Curse of the Cursed Totem. Indeed, the two members of the pair arrived last will have to register their first name on ballots which will count during the counting at the council.

The object of the game is to balance on unstable horizontal bamboos and a few centimeters from the ground, while holding a pole with your friend who is opposite. As soon as a candidate sets foot on the sand, the test is over. The pair that lasts the longest wins the game.

All are holding up well or badly. After 30 minutes the test becomes more complicated: they have to put their hand at a certain level on the pole that connects them. Ultimately, Jean-Charles and Nicolas are the first to let go. Fouzi and Géraldine fall in turn then, after 45 minutes, a new difficulty arises, still about the position of the hands on the pole. Ambre and Bastien let go, followed by Louana and Maxime. Victory is for François and Olga.

Back on the camp, eliminations are on everyone’s lips. Louana is campaigning to save her skin (and that of Maxime) by offering to vote against Fouzi (and Géraldine). But another strategy is put in place in the shadows, that of eliminating Nicolas, the traitor…


Each adventurer votes in his soul and conscience. Tonight, no one is playing immunity collar. Then place the count: 1 vote against Jean-Charles, 3 against Fouzi, 4 against Nicolas and 5 against Maxime. It is therefore Maxime who is eliminated and leads Louana in his fall.

Louana feels betrayed by her green ex-comrades with whom she had an alliance. François, who voted against Maxime, explains to him that he feels more in tune with the values ​​of the other pairs. For his part, Maxime blames himself… He then lets his comrade choose the adventurer who will get his black vote. She appoints Nicolas, who will therefore vote twice next week.

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