Koh-Lanta final: Olga in transparency, Setha in a traditional dress … Viewers under the spell

For more than a month, the adventurers of Koh-Lanta, The Cursed Totem trying somehow to go to the end of the adventure. The conditions for survival are rudimentary: they have very little food and cannot pretend to any semblance of hygiene. Once the filming is over, the Robinson apprentices find this feeling of being satiated, but also this comfort that they missed so much. On the set of TF1, facing Denis Brogniart, the looks denote with the appearance that viewers knew them.

Dressed to the nines, the 24 adventurers in the cast who made the trip to Paris all look more beautiful than the other. Gone are the holey t-shirts that turned gray during the adventure, the hair full of sand and knots, the cheeks hollowed out by hunger… From now on, they are revealed to be pimped! Elegant costumes for gentlemen, pretty hairstyles and chic and glamorous dresses for adventurers. This is how Setha appears divine in a traditional Asian dress in pink tones. Olga plays it sexy in transparency and mesh, Samira shows off a new short haircut and has swapped her brown for her blonde! Géraldine, for her part, is unanimous among Internet users, all conquered. Radiant, she opted for a pretty floral dress.

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