Koh-Lanta final: Géraldine wins the posts, the choice of finalists is scandalous!

The rule has been the same for many years. The winner of the poles of Koh-Lanta, The Cursed Totem has the mission to designate which of his three other comrades will accompany him in front of the final jury. At that time, the adventurers eliminated since the reunification proceed to a vote and designate who of one or the other will be the big winner. They were four on the posts: Jean-Charles, Géraldine, François and Bastien, qualified after a second orientation test and who has to do with handicaps linked to the curse of the cursed Totem. Finally, it is Géraldine who wins the posts and must therefore designate the comrade who goes to the final with him…

Attention, this year the rule changes! The winner nominates the second finalist, who is responsible for designating a third finalist! Because they will not be two but three in the final this time ! Géraldine, impressive after having lasted two hours on her post, has the difficult task of choosing who qualifies for the final with him. Faced with Denis Brogniart, this mother of two boys indicated that she would choose… François. It is not finished ! The firefighter in turn designates a comrade: he chooses Bastien. The trio to spin in the final is therefore Géraldine, François and Bastien.

A situation that is causing a lot of reaction on social networks, especially on Twitter … Many are disgusted to see that Jean-Charles, the darling of viewers, a tender-hearted teddy bear, is not chosen. Others believe that by choosing François, Géraldine is shooting herself in the foot since the adventurer is very popular with his comrades on the final jury.

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