Koh-Lanta: Candidates recruited on physical criteria? A condition calls out, the production is explained

Koh Lanta made the heyday of TF1. And after 20 years of success – anniversary celebrated through the All Stars season Koh-Lanta, The Legend in 2021 – the show continues to reinvent itself. While the next season, shot in the Philippines, is already in the box, the production already casts the candidates for a new edition. Applications are open to all, all you have to do is answer a few questions from ALP, the survival game company, and send photos. One of these conditions is problematic to some Internet users …

To hope to pass the first step, personal information such as name, age, profession, nationality or family situation must be given. Also, future candidates must give their motivations in a few lines. Finally, three photos are requested in the registration file: a close-up portrait, a full-length photo and a swimsuit photo. It is this third image that disturbs. On Twitter, several Robinson apprentices rise up against this request and accuse the production of choosing the adventurers on physical criteria.

Faced with misunderstandings and rants from some viewers, the production is explained. Contacted by our colleagues from HuffPost, Adventure Line Productions is rather surprised by these reactions. “Photos in swimsuits is not a new request in the casting process on Koh Lanta. Indeed, from the first season, such photos were already requested.“, one indicates. Even more, by asking for a photo in a swimsuit, the production can thus”ensure that the person applying to become a competitor has no problem to appear in front of a camera and therefore a camera in a swimsuit“. Especially since, as ALP specifies, adventurers spend almost 95% of the transmission time in this way.

Finally, the production ensures that it has “never exclude someone from the selection process, on photo, or on physical criteria“. And to support his words:”Moreover, it is enough to look at the profiles of the adventurers season after season, to realize it. We do not have no unique physical criteria.” The debate is closed !

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