Koh-Lanta: Anne-Sophie eliminated, discomfort of a candidate and prowess during a test!

New episode of Koh-Lanta, The Cursed Totem Tuesday May 10, 2022. The superiority of the ex-reds was reduced last week after Pauline was ousted following a direct elimination event. It was then Yannick who was eliminated from the board following numerous shenanigans. A new morning dawns on Koh Lanta and the explanations take place between the candidates, in particular about Maxime and Louana after the revelations of Bastien to the previous council.

Test of comfort and discomfort

This is the famous test of the arrows. Candidates can train the day before the event and Nicolas makes the crazy bet with François to give him his share of cassava and rice every day if he hits 5 arrows and unfortunately for him, François succeeds. And he really needs to eat because for a few seconds he felt unwell after getting up, perhaps too quickly (they are on the 26th day of adventure).

The principle of the test varies this time because it takes place in teams. As they are eleven, a candidate cannot play and therefore cannot claim to enjoy comfort. Thanks to a draw, François and Nicolas are team leaders and can choose their teammates.

François’ team: Fouzi, Louana, Bastien, Ambre.

Nicolas’ team: Maxime, Géraldine, Olga, Anne-Sophie.

No one chooses Jean-Charles.

The candidates now compete in duels, chosen by the team leaders who give an additional arrow to two members of their team. Nicolas beats Fouzi who has a second arrow given by François. He can therefore face another person in the rest of the game. François beats Maxime but has a second arrow given by Nicolas. He can therefore face another person later in the game. Anne-Sophie beats amber. Geraldine defeats Louana. Olga defeats Bastien. Maxime defeats François. Geraldine defeats Fouzi.
François is the only survivor in his team, so he must face all the others. François beats Olga (who still has another arrow), Anne-Sophie, Nicolas, Géraldine and again Olga. François’ team wins the race thanks to his prowess.

The reward: a night away from camp (and for once sheltered from the raging rain) with a good dinner, breakfast and a phone call to relatives. All the candidates who have children are part of the losing team…. Fouzi therefore called his father, Ambre his companion, Bastien his ex who registered him for the show, Louana his mother and François, who shed her little tear, spoke to her darling.

Individual immunity test, collar and advice

This is an obstacle course made up of seven obstacles. The woman and the man who win (because both sexes compete on their own) will then compete in a challenge with a maze. Louana wins the race without difficulty. On the men’s side, Bastien wins against Maxime after a final sprint and only a few seconds ahead. Place for reflection with a labyrinth and an object to release. It is Louana who wins and obtains immunity for the next council.

Olga and Anne-Sophie necessarily feel in danger but Olga finds the immunity collar. She tells her friend. They decide to vote against François, tell Bastien but are careful not to mention that Olga has a necklace. Nicolas warns François who asks him to ensure that there is no vote against him. In the end, Olga, Anne-Sophie, Bastien and Nicolas decide to vote against Maxime and Nicolas throws everything at François, again… and specifies that there is no collar. Maxime, who is also warned, begins to be annoyed that we are still doing a “gamble”with (his) mouth“.

On to the council. Olga pulls out her necklace, amazed! Everything was decided between Maxime and Anne-Sophie and it was Anne-Sophie who was eliminated. She leaves with class and sheds a few tears while talking to Olga. She also gives him her black vote.

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