Koh-Lanta: An adventurer soon to be in a civil partnership with her companion, the request filmed live!

This is very happy news that was shared by a former adventurer from Koh Lanta during the day of Saturday April 9, 2022. The young woman is going to settle with her darling. It is Clo2019 Survival Show Finalist. story Instagram, she did more than announce her upcoming union with Manon since she filmed her request.

Indeed, Internet users were able to witness the adorable moment when Clo sent a small paper to his companion through which she offered him to settle. “Do you want to be the woman of my life? Let’s get together!“, she wrote in a pink card decorated with hearts. Clo recognizes that her gesture was “a bit childish” but it worked because Manon said “yes” ! This is what we quickly understand through the video, before the adventurer confirms it via an accomplice photo of her and her fiancée who hugs her and offers her a sweet kiss. (See our slideshow). There is still one thing left to do for Clo, and not the least: to offer a ring to his dear and tender. “Now you have to find the ring… You immediately feel like an adult“, she wrote later in story.

We can say that it is thanks to Koh Lanta that Clo has found true love. And for good reason, during the final live on TF1, she had come out. This announcement had then earned him to be contacted by Manon. “After that night, my instagram account was flooded with messages. I had made a big sorting among all these messages. Among them was Manon, whom I already knew. I recognized her immediately. In fact, we talked about five years ago on Facebook. At the time, we exchanged, because we had a friend in common. I had seen it on snaps of this friend. I liked Manon and I told her so. We had just talked to each other, but we never saw each other. In the end, she watched the whole season of Koh Lanta without recognizing myself“, she told us in an interview at the time.

Quickly, Clo had moved in with Manon. Together, they experienced confinement, which unlike other couples only solidified their relationship. “Strangely, with Manon, we get angry less than usual, even though we’re together 24 hours a day! We laugh a lot, I even believe that it strengthens our couple. So I’m not afraid for my couple, but for others, I think it can be a trigger for a breakup. We’ll see that in a few weeks…“, had told us again the candidate.

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