“For two years, I have been living in hell”. Sara Lopez, candidate for several times from Koh-Lanta, does not hide anything from the difficult situation in which she has been for several months. Despite the pain and sometimes the lack of hope, she decided to take on a new major challenge, as she explained to “Nice-Matin”.
Sara Lopez has participated three times in Koh Lanta (2013, 2014 and 2020) and underwent 17 procedures. The latest, the installation of a knee prosthesis.
The adventurer who has lived in the Gulf of Saint-Tropez for seventeen years – where she opened the gym Club 88 in Grimaud with her husband Reynald – suffers from an unrecognized and unreachable disease: complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) or algodystrophy. She was diagnosed to him two years ago and affects his knee. Since then, the great sportswoman has been through an ordeal but nevertheless embarks on a brand new major challenge, a five-day trek in the Moroccan desert called “Elles marchent”. The start of the adventure is set for February 25 and she will be accompanied by three other emblematic adventurers from Koh Lanta : Alexandra, Wafa and Amel.
Nice morning went to meet Sara Lopez before her big departure, an interview published in the edition of February 19, 2022 in which the adventurer evokes her tough fight against the disease. In the face of pain and despair, Sara sometimes thought the worst, going so far as to have suicidal thoughts. “Lancinating pains, at times violent, heat, like electric shocks. I constantly live with painshe explains to Nice morning. I had moments of doubt when I said to myself ‘I’m going to put a rope around my neck‘.” In the past, the former candidate of Koh Lanta revealed that she asked to have an amputation to stop the pain but was refused.
Godmother of the DRC Algodystrophie association, Sara Lopez knows that the trek in which will be very difficult and that her body may not be able to withstand this new major challenge. But no matter, fighter at heart, she wants to go all the way. “I know I’m going to struggle, my knee will not support but I will crawl if necessary“, assures the sportswoman with many tattoos, who can count on her friends from Koh-Lanta to help her in difficult times.
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