Koh-Lanta All Stars spoiled: Sentences fell, Alexia Laroche-Joubert reacts

To celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the survival game, ALP and TF1 have seen the big picture. Koh-Lanta, The Legend brings together the twenty most emblematic adventurers of the program, “The best“. In addition to this five-star cast, extraordinary performances, clashes but also unexpected twists and turns make the success of this edition. The problem? Internet users have spoiled a large part of the program on the Web … Adventure Line Productions had brought the case to justice, and Alexia Laroche-Joubert gave news to our colleagues from 20 minutes.

We lodged a complaint, the platforms gave us the IPs. We had a conviction on someone who had revealed spoils and we made a summary conviction. Obviously, we take it very seriously and I put a lot of energy into it“, says the president of ALP. In 20 years of broadcasting, never has a season been so spoiled. A fact that Alexia Laroche-Joubert explains in a few words:”It was related to the fact that Teheiura had cheated. We didn’t want malicious people spoiling this and the twists and turns. There are people who gave the name of all the exits to each episode ! There is a time when that isn’t possible: you don’t have to spoil people when they don’t want to know. We live this adventure for viewers and adventurers too, it’s not so that we reveal everything because guys want to appear smarter or better informed.

Remember that it is at the end of September, one month after the launch of Koh-Lanta, The Legend, that the legal battle has been made public. “Seized by ALP of several requests, the President of the judicial tribunal of Paris has prohibits any post that purports to disclose the content of upcoming episodes of the new season of Koh Lanta currently broadcasting on TF1“, we learned via a press release from the production company. Even more, at the time, procedures were already underway and”the justice had ordered the platforms to transmit the identification data of the accounts in question“, most of them being anonymous. Also, a former adventurer of Koh-Lanta spoiled the program in an assumed way on social networks. Justice then made a big decision: each new publication would be sanctioned by”a large lump sum per violation found“. Sum not disclosed by ALP but which would be of the order of 1000 euros according to The Parisian.

Today everything seems to be back to normal. Total mystery around the name of the big winner! Who of Laurent, Ugo or Claude, all three qualified for the posts, will win Koh-Lanta, La Légende? Answer Tuesday, December 14, 2021 on TF1.

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