Koh-Lanta: A physically transformed candidate, video explanations …

Survival, strategy, sport and social are the four qualities to have to go to the end of Koh Lanta. Participating in such an adventure requires top physical condition. If today Alix is ​​proud of her ultra muscular figure, a few years ago, she displayed a whole different body, less athletic. “I was rather plump and I did not do a push-up“, she had declared in her portrait for Koh-Lanta, The 4 Lands in 2020. In an interview for the French Success YouTube channel, this volunteer firefighter looks back on her physical transformation.

When I presented myself to the barracks, I didn’t have the right physique at all to make a firefighter. They accepted my application because it was a small center, so they gave me my chance. And after I got caught a big ass kick, I was re-motivated and I started to play sports. I got a taste for it, I changed my lifestyle. I worked a lot on my physique, my mind for the last six years“, recalls the lover of Mathieu, also an apprentice Robinson met during the filming of his first Koh Lanta.

A long way for teenage Alix, then “very shy, withdrawn“.”If I could say something to me from fifteen years ago I would shake her up and tell her to trust her“Says the beautiful blonde now 30 years old. But this physical metamorphosis, she owes only to herself.”I was motivated to change, but the click comes from me and no one else. I try to make people understand this because they often need help, to be guided, explains this sports coach. I know that I am an excellent leader, but it takes followers – and this is not pejorative at all – to create a team and move forward together. They want to lose weight, play sports … But I’m not going to get up in the morning, get them out of bed by the hand. The click must come by themselves.

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