Koh-Lanta: a former winner embarks on the legislative race

From television to politics, there is only one step! This is the step that has been taken Isabelle Seguin, former winner of the show Koh Lanta on TF1. Indeed, the now sixty-year-old has embarked on the race for the legislative elections which will take place on Sunday June 12 and 12, 2022. It is under the label of the Renaissance party (ex-La République en Marche) that Isabelle Seguin has decided to run in the fourth constituency of Ain, in the Auvergne-Rhône Alpes region. This is where the head of state Emmanuel Macron came out on top in the first round of the presidential election. A few residents of the town of Vonnas in Ain were able to see Isabelle Seguin this Friday, June 3, 2022 where she was distributing leaflets to passengers in the Villars-les-Dombes market.

For the record, it was during the 2003 edition of Koh Lanta in Panama that Isabelle Seguin made herself known to the general public alongside another heavyweight of the show, a certain Moundir Zoughari. 40 years old at the time, the candidate had caused a sensation in the test of the posts where she had spent 3h40. Isabelle Seguin came out thinner but a big winner of Koh Lanta.

Isabelle Séguin: a former Koh Lanta converted into politics

By running in the legislative elections, Isabelle Seguin wants to show that she has lost none of her fighting spirit nearly twenty years after her participation in the famous TF1 show. Bearing the same name as the late Philippe Seguin even if she is not related to him, it was in 2017 that Isabelle decided to get into the deep end of politics by campaigning for La République en Marche. Mother of two children and married for more than 40 years, Isabelle Seguin has also worked in the humanitarian field for several years. She was also a stewardess and flea market. Today, Isabelle Seguin at the head of a vocational training center. A very good career choice for a former TV adventurer!

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