Koh-Lanta 2022: Olga racist? Yannick speaks out, Denis Brogniart steps up to the plate!

Tuesday March 22, 2022, TF1 broadcast the fifth episode of Koh-Lanta, The Cursed Totem. An evening hosted by Denis Brogniart and during which Stéphanie was eliminated. Another significant event: during the Yellow Matingi Council, Olga expressed her fear of Yannick. The dancer from Kazakhstan reveals that she is afraid of the reactions of her basketball teammate. Harsh words that the adventurer found difficult to accept. He is not the only one. On social networks, Olga was accused of racism. Yannick then speaks and explains.

I see, on the networks, many reactions vis-à-vis the council and the comments made by Olga against me. Keep in mind we’re in a gamecertainly exceptional from every point of view, but a GAME“, he declares, disconcerted by the attacks against his comrade. And to continue: “Olga gave her perception of my person and it belongs to her. This surprised me because the opposite of who I am and what I want to convey in terms of values ​​and feelings. Especially for a certain little girl who looks at me with admiration. I think that beyond the remarks that I consider quite violent at the time, Olga is not racist and she has never exhibited behavior towards me that suggests that…

But Yannick is also concerned about the feelings of viewers. “At the same time, I measure the scope and impact that this can have on the black community. And I’m sorry. We are still at this level and it pains me, he regrets. Let’s leave violence of all kinds far from that and far from this moment of sharing, fun, suspense and emotions.

Same story on the side of Denis Brogniart. During a live on Instagram with the eliminated Stéphanie, the host wants to set the record straight. “One can express difficulties without immediately being accused of being racist. I found that stupidity, friends, but interstellar stupidity“, he gets annoyed before assuring that Olga “is absolutely not racist”. And adding: “Corn please stop! It’s an abyssal stupidity to put racism where there is none. Believe me, there are absolutely none!“The debate is therefore closed!

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