Koh-Lanta 2022: Benjamin eliminated, a council under high tension, Denis Brogniart forced to decide!

They were twenty-four at the start of the adventure in Koh-Lanta, The Cursed Totem. After the eliminations of Céline and Lili, Mattéo then Samira last week as well as the abandonment of Franck, there are only nineteen left, divided into two teams: the reds of Louana and the yellows of Anne-Sophie. During the fourth episode broadcast this Tuesday, March 15, 2022, Denis Brogniart finds the Robinson apprentices for a comfort game, an immunity test and advice where a new adventurer is eliminated! Summary of this evening.

comfort game

The winners will enjoy real comfort on the camp: wooden armchairs, braided mat mattresses, two-seater hammock, cushions… In short, luxury for these survival adventurers ! Moreover, the winning tribe will have at their disposal tools that will allow them to build a whole host of things. Finally, the last reward: repairing smoothies made with mango and banana! Finally, the winners will have a great responsibility: designate two comrades from the opposing team who will spend the night on an islet where there is nothing!

The rules of the game are as follows: two adventurers from each tribe are suspended on a rope which is held on a gantry. All the others have the task of keeping them out of the water as long as possible by pulling on the rope.

Jean-Charles, injured in the thumb last week, does not play. The yellows confer and Benjamin indicates that he will not participate in the game. Finally, for the yellow women, the draw has spoken: it is Stéphanie who is not playing. Among the reds, it is Pauline and Louana who go on the ropes. The yellows choose to send Setha and Anne-Sophie. They each carry a 5 kilo bag slung over their shoulders.

Time passes and the weight of the girls, who each weigh about 55 kilos, is more and more difficult to bear. Finally, the reds let go and victory is for the yellows ! They designate Maxime and Jean-Philippe to go to the islet. Clarification of size: on this islet, the two adventurers will have a mission to accomplish. If they fail, the curse of the cursed totem will fall in the immunity test, where the reds will start with a disadvantage.

Maxime and Jean-Philippe arrive on a divine island. They then discover their mission: to find two hidden talismans. After a long search, they find a first talisman, then the second! Bingo!

Among the yellows, despite the comfort, the tension rises. Especially between Colin and Yannick. The first criticizes the second for being too dry and brittle with him. In the early morning, they no longer have the fire (like the reds) and Olga bursts into tears: her sneakers have disappeared during the night. It was her husband who gave it to her.

Immunity test

Maxime and Jean-Philippe make their victorious return, to the delight of their comrades. Time for the immunity test! Among the yellows, Olga draws the black ball and is therefore exempted, to respect fairness.

Denis Brogniart announces the rules: eight adventurers are blinded while the ninth assumes the role of guide. The goal is for each team to build two columns out of logs. These sixteen pieces are to be recovered in relay. It is only when all the bags have been collected that the last two blind people can get down to building the towers. Finally, one of them will have to go back to sea at the very end to collect two hats to put on top of the columns.

Among the reds, Fouzi is a guide while Louana and Pauline are builders. Among the yellows, Yannick is a guide while Alexandra and Stéphanie are builders. Yannick’s guidance is effective, Fouzi makes himself heard. The yellows are slightly ahead. Finally, when building the reds catch up and win the event!

Back on the camp, the yellow think of the council which will arrive in a few hours but also of the defeat. Benjamin and Alexandra can’t stand each other anymore. He criticizes her for being too directive and does not understand how she could cause the team to lose while she believes that he does not do much in the camp and does not appreciate her attitude. Another quarrel, between Yannick on one side and Olga and Colin on the other this time. The basketball player is criticized for being too inactive on the camp and for giving too many directives.

In short, with the approach of the council, no big trend. They are several to be in danger: Setha and her imaginary necklace, Stéphanie considered of little use, Benjamin, Alexandra or even Yannick.


All take their place opposite Denis Brogniart. The facilitator first evokes the failure of the immunity test. This is an opportunity for Benjamin to point out the strategy adopted, which was not the right one, and to indicate that he had proposed a better solution that no one took seriously. Alexandra gets annoyed and thinks that her comrade is victimizing herself. An eventful settlement of accounts.

Everyone votes on their side. Yannick votes twice against himself, because of his cursed bracelets. No immunity necklace is played. Denis Brogniart then proceeds to the counting. Setha and Alexandra get one vote each, Yannick has two unsurprisingly then Benjamin and Stephanie have four each. Faced with this tie, adventurers must vote again against one of the two Robinson apprentices. At the second count, new equality between them ! To decide between them, Denis Brogniart draws lots. And chance chose: it is Benjamin who is eliminated !

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