Koh-Lanta 2022 – An adventurer indicted: an amputated and burned victim cries out in anger

On February 22, TF1 will launch the new season of Koh Lantabaptized The Cursed Totem. Among the twenty-four new adventurers to try their luck will include François, a 38-year-old firefighter. Very sporty and always smiling, he promises to go far in the competition and charm viewers. Unfortunately, a case came to tarnish his image even before he could defend it on TV. François is indicted, like six other firefighters, for manslaughter following the death of a colleague in a forest fire in the Hérault in 2016. And while the case has not yet been judged, the victims of this tragedy are bubbling at the idea of ​​​​seeing him in Koh Lanta.

An ex-colleague, Lucas Canuel, now amputated ten fingers and burned on 40% of his bodynotably granted a interview for The Parisian to express his anger. “Here it shows that he’s a cardboard fireman who has no respect for his men. When we know that we are indicted for manslaughter, we keep a low profile. We don’t show off on TV. What image does it give of firefighters? OKAY, he’s a playboy. But with a case like that on my ass, I would never have thought of signing up“, he denounced. Thus, it is clear to him that he will not look Koh Lanta : “The family of the deceased does not want the program to be broadcast. I understand his pain. Me, I won’t look. If I see François in Koh Lanta, I break my tv.”

It must be said that François brings back memories that are still too painful for Lucas. According to him, the candidate and his other leaders are directly responsible for the unfortunate outcome of the mission. “We should never have ended up there. (…) I saw a man burning in front of me for two to three minutes. I was paralyzed by the heat. We were left like dogs in 1,200°C. It’s inhumane“, he still lamented. Lucas Canuel now hopes to turn the page with the opening of a trial in the year. “I want to move on, to build a family. I would like to stop seeing the image of my colleague on fire. When I look at my stumps, all the memories come back. I lost all ten fingers. My legs and face are burned. I act tough, but I also have psychological consequences“, he confided.

The whole family of Hérault firefighters is angry today

Lucas Canuel also testified on the set of Do not touch My TV live Friday February 11, 2022. In addition to upsetting by recounting the facts in detail, he regretted that Francis has been somehow protected for the past few years. “The SDIS 34 knew full well that he was under investigation. Me, I wonder today why we are going to leave a man like that… How can a hierarchy let that happen today? (…) You know today, I came, because I also represent the family of the deceased, I also represent the firefighters who are going to watch me this evening. And I can tell you that the whole family of Hérault firefighters is angry today. They don’t understand how a hierarchy let this happen. When you are indicted, I think the least you can do is to make yourself very small. It’s not very smart.

Note that the SDIS (Fire and Rescue Service) of Hérault specified via a press release that “the indictment of the officer in this case comes under his former functions as head of the training department and does not constitute, pending the continuation of the legal proceedings, a fault on the part of the officer who remains presumed innocent“. As for ALP, a company that produces Koh Lantashe had no knowledge of her indictment.

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