Koh-Lanta 2022: An adventurer in the casting despite the warning from doctors, he explains

They are still twenty-two in contention in Koh-Lanta, The Cursed Totem after the eliminations of Céline and Lili during the first episode. Ten lucky women and twelve men, selected from the very many applicants who hope to play the Robinson apprentices on the other side of the world. During the casting phases, one step is crucial: it is the appointment with the doctor, who estimates whether the potential adventurer is suitable or not. One of our candidates from Koh-Lanta, The Cursed Totem aroused the concern of professionals… and still flew to the Philippines!

It is Mattéo, the 20-year-old classical dancer. During a live on Instagram Sunday February 27, 2022, he spoke about his experience but he also mentioned the before Koh Lanta, in particular the medical visit. The opinion of the experts was extremely favorable as regards the physical condition – remember that Matteo is a top-level athlete – but one point nevertheless alerted the doctors. As a dancer, the handsome brunette could see his career take another turn if he gets injured or his body mishandles losing and then gaining weight during and after the game.

You know when we go through the casting, we see doctors and they told me, they weren’t going to declare me unfit, because I was fit, but they were worried about me because I I’m 20 years old, I’m at the start of my career, I am professionalizing myselfso this is one of the most important moments for my career. Effectively, at Koh Lanta, you can get hurt, you can have very, very heavy physical consequences“, then launches the one who revealed that Anne-Sophie consumed the same stinging plant as Franck off cameras.

And to continue:We told me : If you don’t go too far in the game it’s fine, but if you go far, it’s going to be super violent and you’re going to take time to recover‘. I took the risk“If he chose to perhaps endanger his promising career, it is also because Koh-Lanta is the adventure of a lifetime,”a dream“. And he did well ! “I was not injured (…). Everything is fine, I was very lucky not to hurt myself, I have no irreversible injuries that keep me from dancing. But yes it was a risk that I was ready to take to do Koh-Lanta.Phew, more fear than harm!

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