Koh-Lanta 2022: Alexandra eliminated and in tears, Olga very moved, big surprise on the board!

They were 24 adventurers to participate in Koh-Lanta, The Cursed Totem. Over the weeks, the noose tightens. Indeed, Lili and Céline were eliminated first, Franck left the show voluntarily, Mattéo, Samira and Benjamin also left the game. Ditto for Stéphanie, eliminated twice on the sidelines of the medical abandonment of Jean Philippe. This Tuesday, April 12, 2022, TF1 is broadcasting the seventh episode of this crazy season, still presented by Denis Brogniart.

comfort game

The reward is great: the winning team will enjoy an unforgettable moment setting sail aboard a banka, a typical Filipino boat, where an incredible buffet will be offered with shrimp skewers, meat, fruit and much more. other dishes. On board, music and comfortable mattresses for spending the night also await adventurers. Be careful, the cursed totem is never far away. The losing team will not have the opportunity to train for the next day’s immunity test, unlike the winners.

Make way for the game of comfort. In front of each tribe are eight pots at different heights. The objective is for each adventurer to swim to the platform where they are suspended and break them with a club. Inside each object is a bracelet that must be brought back, all in relay.

The reds take a good lead at the start of the race. Then, little by little, they are overtaken by the yellows. While the games are very tight, Yannick destroys the last pottery and offers yellow victory !

Direction the banka for them! After having tasted each plate of the buffet, here they are, dancing in a good mood. While the winners enjoy their superb reward at sea, the reds ruminate. Especially Maxime, who missed his shots and is terribly angry.

In the early morning, it’s time for the yellows to leave the ship to train before the immunity test. The Robinson apprentices then find themselves on an island with catapults. Everyone tries.

As for the reds, it is a question of eating properly to hope to be in good shape for the next event. Maxime finds cassava and wants to eat it all at once! Louana, who takes care of the kitchen, does not agree and thinks instead of rationing. The attitude of Maxime, who visibly struggles to bear the hunger, annoys the girls.

Immunity test

Unsurprisingly, the two teams compete in a legendary event of Koh Lanta, the catapults. The object of the game is to destroy eight targets at different distances – the farthest is 26 meters – using projectiles each weighing 1 kilo. But first, you have to go out to sea to find the net where these eighty projectiles are.

The yellows take a slight advantage at the start of the game but are quickly overtaken by the reds… who end up victorious ! Despite their training session, the yellows were not up to it.

Back on their camp, the yellows think of the council. Setha is in danger, but her (imaginary) immunity necklace skews the plans. Let’s also remember that Yannick has two cursed bracelets… And that’s not all: Nicolas plans to vote against Alexandra.


The adventurers of the yellow team find Denis Brogniart on the council. Alexandra breaks down in tears before the vote. “It’s difficult as a mom to leave everything to do this incredible adventure and to feel that we weren’t able to go all the way, to succeed in convincing others that we belong.“, she says, moved. Faced with these words, Olga, who has “fear of losing a friend“, she also ends in tears. Setha and Yannick confide that they too feel in danger.

Each adventurer votes. None of them come out of an immunity collar. Now for the counting. Denis Brogniart has two bulletins in the name of Yannick, four in the name of Alexandra and four in the name of Setha. Equality between the two adventurers, a new vote is necessary. During this second count, another tie between Alexandra and Setha! Like an air of deja vu during the council meeting between Benjamin and Stéphanie… The two adventurers will therefore rely on a draw. It’s finally Alexandra who shoots the ball and is eliminated!

Before leaving, she asks Setha why she didn’t take out her necklace. “I’m a gamer“, replies his comrade. A dangerous game which he succeeds rather well…

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