Koh-Lanta 2021: Loïc eliminated and in tears, painful memory of Bertrand-Kamal …

After the scandal of Teheiura’s cheating and Christelle’s victory on the island of the banished, Koh-Lanta, The Legend returns to TF1. This Tuesday, November 23, 2021, the channel is broadcasting the twelfth episode of the survival game. On the program: an eliminatory comfort game, again! A surprise for the adventurers who thus see one of their own leave.

In the camp, hunger is raging. Sam and Loïc, the two youngest in the group, suffer from it. Loïc is lying on the ground, unable to get up for lack of strength. Sam listens to his body and asks to ration the remaining food stocks a little less. The team approves. It is therefore with a full stomach that they all land on the beach, ready to compete in the game of comfort. This is the prisoner, classic of Koh Lanta. The adventurers are connected to a rope by a ring. They must go get their bag, come back free from the rope and then reach an articulated table on which they must position three balls in holes.

The reward is beautiful: a getaway on the island of Raiatea. The winner will be greeted by a freshwater river. On the program, discovery of natural products, a massage, an excellent meal with a banana-chocolate cake and a banana sorbet, a night under the stars with mosquito net, mattress, pillow and sheet as well as a superb breakfast before to find the camp. For the loser, the sentence is harsher: he will be eliminated on the spot!

It is Claude who emerges as the big winner! The last place is played between Loïc and Laurent. Loïc, the first to free himself from his rope, finally arrives last and is eliminated. He bursts into tears in the arms of his comrades. “I’m sick of these playoffs“, he launches, in reference to the departure of the late Bertrand-Kamal, eliminated in the same way in Koh-Lanta, The 4 Lands in 2020. In Koh-Lanta, The Legend, his sidekick Aelxandra was forced out of the game after losing a playoff, too.

But all is not finished for Loïc, who joins Christelle on the island of the banished …

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