Knocked down by a cyclist, Sidonnie Bonnec, Olivier Minne’s sidekick, victim of a “very violent accident”!

For a while now, some Internet users have been denouncing the dangerousness of cyclists, particularly in Paris with the proliferation of cycle paths but also the lack of vigilance of these individuals. Sidonie Bonnec

had confirmation of this in spite of herself.

This Monday, September 25, 2023, the co-presenter of “Everyone has a say”

revealed that it had been targeted by a violent collision earlier this month. Under a photo of her with a splint holding her hand and two fingers, Sidonie Bonnec

shared the story of what happened. “So can I tell you? A cyclist knocked me down four weeks ago on a cycle path in the Landes. A very violent accident which only fractured my finger. I say ‘only’ because given the violence of the shock, I did incredibly well. Fortunately I wasn’t going fast. Fortunately I was wearing a helmet”, she initially said.

More fear than harm

See also: Olivier Minne soon to be ousted from France 2?

Riding a bike herself, Sidonie Bonnec

try to be as vigilant as possible. “I’m also a cyclist, I don’t run red lights, I ride slowly, I pay attention to pedestrians, I don’t think I’m the queen of the world on my bike, in short I respect the highway code and that’s it. is quite normal”told the mother of the family

. However, this was not the case for the cyclist in question. She continues: “The person who hit me was driving very fast and on the wrong lane, and as if that wasn’t enough, he disappeared into thin air. I’m angry because he left me alone with my pain and a deep feeling of injustice. Cyclists! Let’s be good citizens.”

A testimony that raises awareness in its community. In the comments, many people wished him a good recovery and shared their support. Something to warm the heart of Sidonie Bonnec.


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