knife-wielding man killed after threatening police at Gare du Nord

A man in his thirties armed with a long knife approached a group of patrolling police on Monday morning. The police neutralized the individual after several warnings.

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A man armed with a knife who threatened the police was killed by the police at the Gare du Nord on Monday, February 14, France Télévisions learned from a police source.

Around 6.50 a.m., this individual in his thirties, who had in his hand a 30 cm blade on which was written “ACAB” (“All cops are bastards”, “all cops are bastards”), approached a group of police patrolling near the tracks.

The individual was threatening while the police ordered him to drop his weapon. The police then used their firearms to neutralize him.

A journalist from France Télévisions who was present in the station at the time of the events posted a video on social networks in which we hear two shots fired.

The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, praised on Twitter the gesture of the police who, according to him, dismissed “all danger, for themselves and for travellers”.

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