Kisses Deep | The English version of Embrasse is postponed

Representations of Kisses Deep by Michel Marc Bouchard, which was to be presented from January 25 to February 12 at the Centaur, have been postponed to a later date.

Josée Lapointe

Josée Lapointe

“The health and safety of the public, artists and employees is our priority right now,” Centaur Director Eda Holmes said in a statement. This is not how we hoped to start 2022. “

Kisses Deep is Linda Gaboriau’s translation of the play Kiss, which was presented at TNM last fall. The Quebec playwright tells the story of Hugo, a sensitive young man who dreams of becoming a fashion designer like his idol Yves Saint Laurent. Robert Naylor is to take over the role created at TNM by Théodore Pellerin, while Yves Jacques interprets Yves Saint Laurent in both languages. Eda Holmes was the director for both TNM and Centaur.

To face the wave of the Omicron variant, theaters and cinemas have been closed since December 20. The Centaur Theater will communicate later the new dates of presentation of Kisses Deep as well as parts Hush and Deer Blood, which were due to be presented as of January 11.

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