Kirby Dash | “I want to continue to bloom”

Who says team change says new start. Kirby Dach wants to take advantage of his to show what kind of player he really thinks he is.

Posted at 5:35 p.m.

Katherine Harvey Pinard

Katherine Harvey Pinard
The Press

The new center of the Canadian was on his way to the arena for a skating session when he learned that the Blackhawks had traded him Thursday night.

“It was a bit of a shock, but I’m excited to join the Canadiens. I can’t wait to have the supporters on my side, to hear them encourage us, ”he said during his first virtual meeting with the Montreal media, late Friday afternoon.

Dach was the Blackhawks’ third overall pick in the 2019 draft. At the time of his draft, he was coming off a productive season of 73 points in 62 games in the WHL. He made the jump to the National League the following year, at age 19, amassing 23 points in 64 games.

In 2020-21, the Saskatchewan native was slowed by a wrist injury and therefore only played 18 games, collecting 10 points. As he hoped to bounce back in 2021-22, Dach instead struggled offensively, struggling to create five-on-five scoring chances. He has only scored nine goals and 17 assists in 70 games. And won only 32.8% of his faceoffs.

Still, he is only 21 years old. A change of environment could do him good. The Habs’ general manager, Kent Hughes, also explained Thursday evening that he had done his homework before acquiring Dach: “By surrounding him, by coaching him, we think we can make him a pretty special player” , he argued.

“I think it will be good for me to have a fresh start and be the player that I know I can be,” said the principal. I’m very offensive and smart with the puck. I can make games. But I’m also a reliable center on both sides of the rink, big and strong in the middle of the rink, who skates well and who can make plays. »

“I’m leaving the past behind me,” added the 6’4″ forward. My injuries aside, I learned a lot from the veterans and the coaching staff in Chicago. These are positive things that I can take with me next year to be a better player. I want to focus on the little things that will improve my game every day. »

Surprising decisions

The Chicago Blackhawks, although in reconstruction, have made some surprising decisions in the past few days. In addition to trading Dach, they sent 24-year-old forward Alex DeBrincat to the Ottawa Senators on Wednesday.

“They’ve been very honest and open with us about it all,” Dach said of the matter. Obviously they felt they needed to go in a different direction than Cat [DeBrincat] and me. It’s part of the business and there really isn’t much to say about it. You have to move on. »

About his time in Chicago, the young man spoke of several “ups and downs”. However, he pointed out that he benefited greatly from living with veteran Brent Seabrook for two seasons.

“He really, really helped me and I wouldn’t be the same player I am today without his guidance. We are still good friends. We write to each other once a week. He’s a great mentor to me and I can’t thank him enough for being on my path and helping me. »

Obviously I want to keep blossoming, keep maturing and be a better person and a better player.

Kirby Dash

Dach, who has only played two career games at the Bell Centre, has repeatedly said he is excited to play under Martin St-Louis. The CH head coach contacted him by text message on Thursday after the exchange.

“I spoke with a few players and they love Marty. I think we’re going to get along well, him and I. He will really help me bring out my skills and become a dominant player. »

Dach also finds in Montreal his “good friend”, the 20-year-old prospect Kaiden Guhle, with whom he has been training for a few years.

“We texted each other simultaneously saying: let’s go. It was cool, he said. There are other players who have contacted me, some of whom I have met during their career. It’s good to receive their welcome messages, you feel that you are already part of the team. I know it’s a very tight-knit group, so I’m just excited to come into this locker room and enjoy it. »

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