King Charles III: The date of his coronation finally made official… between surprise and offense for his grandson Archie!

The next great gathering of the british royal family ? This Tuesday, October 11, the date of official coronation of King Charles III was officially revealed by a story on Instagram: May 6, 2023 ! A date that created surprise among admirers and connoisseurs of the royal family: since the death of Elizabeth II, everyone announced that the new monarch would choose June 2, 2023 to pay tribute to his mother, she -even crowned on June 2, 1953, 70 years earlier.

Willingness to detach from his mother or on the contrary to keep his date intact for a beautiful tribute? No one knows for the moment but it would seem that the King Charles has in any case a desire to impose his mark on the monarchy: the press release indeed officially specified that the queen consort Camilla would be present at his side.

His son and heir, Prince William, who already seems to be working in tandem with him, could also play a very important role on D-Day. A role that he himself was unable to play when his mother had been crowned: at the At the time, he was only 5 years old! Another difference with the coronation of his mother, King Charles III should not experience a ceremony with great fanfareno doubt preferring a moment surrounded by his family without the enormous pomp of the Jubilee or the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II.

A date that should not please Prince Harry…

If he will most certainly be surrounded by his family for this great moment (for which he has been preparing since the beginning of his life!), we do not know if his youngest son, Prince Harry, with whom relations are still cold, will be fine. present for him. And for a simple reason: on May 6, 2023, his eldest son, Archie, will be 4 years old!

Snub for his grandson or will to integrate him into the royal family, him whom he has hardly ever met? The next few months will tell, but that shouldn’t work in favor of a reconciliation between father and son, who have struggled to talk to each other since the hasty departure of Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle, to the United States at the end of 2019. And even worse, since the controversial interview with Oprah Winfrey, in which he openly criticized the royal family.

However, this one seemed in full reconquest of the royal family in recent days. Remained in Great Britain throughout the period of mourning in tribute to his grandmother, he had even multiplied the gestures of reconciliation towards his father since his return to California.

Indeed, it would in particular everything possible to rework his memoirs, slated for release at the end of the year, and which may contain criticism of his father and stepmother, Queen Consort Camilla. The same goes for the Netflix series, planned with his wife Meghan Markle, who would once again attack the institution and which he would try to have canceled. So, will we finally see him in the front row behind his father, with his son Archie on his knees? Nothing is less sure !

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