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Since the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, the new king, Charles III, shows a new face. He wants to be close to the British, as he demonstrated with his eldest son on Saturday September 17.
Charles III multiplies the walkabouts to meet his subjects. “We can say that he offers himself to people. He lets himself be touched, grabbed by the shoulder, kissed on the cheek, which was simply unimaginable in the time of Elizabeth II. In fact, we are witnessing a radical change of style“, reports the journalist Ambroise Bouleislive from London, Saturday 17 September.
“Gone is the principle of the upper lip, as we say in English, that is to say the importance of hiding one’s emotions, which prevailed in the time of Elizabeth II“, continues the journalist. The new King Charles III does not hide his emotions, because “he seems to have understood that this is what would help him gain popularity, make him more human, he who suffers from a slight lack of popularity compared to his mother, who was unanimous“, explains Ambrose Bouleis. A large part of communication and strategy, therefore, behind each of his appearances in public.