King Charles III and Camilla shaken: tears in their eyes and strong emotion at the Queen’s funeral

The funeral, already considered the funeral of the century, takes place this Monday, September 19, 2022. The world has come together as Elizabeth II prepares to be buried. We count the presence of almost all the heads of state of the planet, including Emmanuel Macron, but also about thirty European royal families, as well as of course the clan as a whole of His Majesty. Within Westminster Abbey, is intoned god save the king, which has not been played for seventy years. A very strong hymn which seized Charles III, new king proclaimed on September 10th. We were indeed able to see the monarch as well as his wife, Queen Consort Camilla, very shaken during this hymn.

This moment of history, with exceptional emotion, seized the royal couple. Strong images of King Charles III, the Teary-eyedand his wife Camilla, just as upset, were released. This anthem god save the king says god save the king, may he live long, may he bring victory but above all may he be happy and glorious for a long time. Strong words that must resonate in a very special way for Charles III, as his wife sings them alongside him.

Charlotte and George of Wales also very affected

The world says goodbye this Monday to Elizabeth II during her grandiose funeral in London. After ten days of national mourning, tributes and rituals at the centenary pomp, 2,000 people were expected for a religious ceremony at Westminster Abbey. The coffin arrived there in procession, followed by King Charles III and members of the royal family on foot. Never for years had London known such an influx of dignitaries. The coffin left the abbey followed by King Charles III, Queen Consort Camilla and the royal clan, and was again placed on a Royal Navy gun carriage before a historic procession, with great fanfare, through the streets from central London to Wellington’s Arch, from where he will leave by hearse for Windsor Castle. Among the members of the royal family, George and Charlotte of Wales, 9 and 7accompanied their parents. The two young children arrived with their mother, Kate Middleton, looking grim but dignified under a huge black hat, and found their father, Prince William, at the entrance to the coffin in Westminster Abbey. They both seemed very touched.

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