“Kinetic Loud”: the art of creating

“It’s a bit like the meeting between making a live show and a video shoot ”, details the rapper Loud from the first seconds of the show Loud kinetic. Although abstract at first glance, this description could not be more correct, we note in the minutes which follow this statement.

While Loud sings various hits that trace the history of his young solo career, in addition to giving a preview of the material to come for his third album, various visual artists engage in painting, drawing, collage and even painting. sculpture, thus freezing the 30-something Montrealer from all angles. Whether it is the rapper or those who work around him, the movement is perpetual and quickly lets the name of the show appear. Loud kinetic as an eloquent choice.

In 52 minutes, nearly ten visual artists devote themselves to their art, twelve songs will be interpreted and the seven arts will be exhibited. Without neglecting the nine musical collaborators with whom Loud has already worked in the past, such as Lary Kidd, with whom he had initially launched Loud Lary Ajust, Alexandra Stréliski or Charlotte Cardin.

In addition to the show, snippets of interviews where anecdotes flow freely intersect the various performances, giving access to a more authentic Loud, even perhaps to echoes of Simon Cliche Trudeau, his name in the city. The show is an ode to Loud’s short but flourishing career, in addition to being a tribute to art in all its forms.

Loud kinetic

Télé-Québec, Saturday, 9 p.m.

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