Kim Kardashian announces great news to her followers after several failures …

The reality TV ended, Kim Kardashian is more involved in fashion (with her brand Skims), beauty (with KKW Fragrance) … and law! She wants more than ever to become a lawyer. She announces happy news to her fans: after several failures, the social media superstar has finally passed her first exam.

Oh my God I took the baby bar exam !!!!Kim Kardashian wrote on Instagram. The star, followed by nearly 270 million subscribers, is delighted with the success of the California State Bar’s FYLSE (the exam for first-year law students), an accomplishment that ‘she dissects in the caption of her publication.

For all those who did not follow my experience in law school, know that it was not easy and that it was not given to me. I failed this exam three times in two years, but I got up each time, revised more and tried again until I got there !!! (I had the Covid on my third attempt with 40 fever but I’m not looking for an excuse)“continues @kimkardashian, who posted steamy photos of herself at work.

In comments, the bomb received thousands of congratulatory messages. “It’s awesome ! Come on Kimmie!“, writes for example the singer Ciara.”I couldn’t be more proud of you, Kimberly !! I know the long nights, the long days and the mornings you spent“, adds actress La La.”Congratulations mama !!!!! This is so cool“, comments Nicki Minaj.

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