Kim Jong Un receives explosive drones as a gift

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un received a gift of five explosive drones, a reconnaissance drone and a bulletproof vest from the governor of the Primorye region in Russia’s Far East on Sunday, according to the North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. official TASS press.

• Read also: Kim Jong Un welcomed by Russian Defense Minister in Vladivostok

• Read also: Kim Jong-un convinced that Russia will achieve “a great victory”

“The leader of the DPRK [nom officiel de la Corée du Nord] received five kamikaze drones and a “Geran-25” reconnaissance drone with vertical takeoff,” TASS said.

Highly symbolic military gifts in a context of Western fears regarding a possible agreement for deliveries of North Korean arms and ammunition which Moscow needs for its offensive in Ukraine.

On Wednesday, during an exchange at the Vostochny cosmodrome, Vladimir Putin and Kim displayed their closeness, the Russian president evoking “prospects” of military cooperation despite international sanctions targeting Pyongyang because of its nuclear and development programs. missiles.

During their meeting, the two leaders gave each other a rifle, again gifts with symbolic value in the current context.

Since then, the Kremlin has assured that “no agreement” was signed during this meeting, without however reassuring the West.

“The governor [Oleg Kojémiako] offered Kim Jong Un a set of bulletproof protection for assault actions” and “special clothing not detectable by thermal cameras,” regional services also declared to the TASS agency.

On Sunday, Kim also met with North Korean students of the Far Eastern Federal University on campus in Vladivostok.

During this visit, Kim Jong Un received as a gift from Alexander Kozlov, Russian Minister of Ecology, a painting entitled “Russky Island”, with a relief image of this island located opposite Vladivostok and where there are a part of the university’s facilities.

On the island, Kim also visited the oceanorium, attending, according to TASS, an aquatic show.

The official North Korean news agency KCNA, for its part, described the atmosphere in recent days in the large city of the Russian Far East as “fervent and warm,” “at a time when a new era of “Friendship, solidarity and cooperation opens in the history of the development of relations between the DPRK and Russia.”

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