Kiev TV tower hit by Russian strike, at least five dead

The strike hit equipment in this tower, which is located not far from Babi Yar, site of one of the worst massacres of the Holocaust.

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At least five people were killed and five others were injured in a Russian strike on Tuesday March 1 against the television tower in Kiev, Ukrainian authorities announced. This attack which also led to the interruption of the broadcasting of the channels, specified the same source.

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The strike, which comes on the sixth day of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, “touch” equipment from this tower, which is located not far from Babi Yar, site of one of the worst massacres of the Holocaust. “What’s the use of saying ‘never again’ for 80 years, if the world is silent when a bomb falls on this same site of Babi Yar? At least 5 killed. The story repeats itself…”Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky reacted on Twitter.

The ministry had warned that the television channels were not going to work “for a certain time”, until backup systems take over. Shortly after the attack, the Ukrainian presidency announced the restoration of the broadcasting of ten national televisions. An hour after the attack, most Ukrainian channels appeared to be operating normally.

Shortly before the strike, the Russian army announced that it was going to target the infrastructure of the Ukrainian security services as well as “retransmission centers” in Kiev and therefore called on civilians living nearby to flee.

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