Kiev repels a Russian offensive overnight, President Zelensky calls not to lay down arms

What there is to know

The day of all dangers. Ukrainian forces repelled the Russian army as it attempted to take the capital, Kyiv, on the night of Friday February 25 to Saturday February 26. “I am here. We are not going to lay down our arms and we are going to defend our country”, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky launched on Saturday morning as fighting continued in the city on the third day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Follow the situation in our live.

Russian offensive repelled in Kiev. The Ukrainian army and Russian forces clash in Kiev on Saturday morning for control of the capital of Ukraine. The population of Kiev had prepared for the worst after the message of its president. “Tonight, they will try to seize” Kiev, said the Russian president a few hours earlier in a video address broadcast Friday evening. Saturday morning, Kiev is still Ukrainian. According to many specialists, the Russian forces are facing stronger resistance than expected.

Russia strikes Ukraine with naval and aerial cruise missiles. “During the night, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation struck Ukrainian military infrastructure sites with long-range high-precision weapons using naval and air cruise missiles”, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said in a televised appearance. According to him, in total since the beginning of the invasion, the Russian forces claim to have destroyed 821 military infrastructures, including 14 airfields.

Russia vetoes a UN resolution deploring its “aggression” of Ukraine. As expected, Russia vetoes, during a vote in the UN Security Council, a resolution co-authored by the United States and Albania deploring in “the strongest terms” his “aggression against Ukraine” and calling on him to “immediately” withdraw his troops from this country. Of the 15 members of the Council, 11 countries voted in favor of the text, three abstained: China, India and the United Arab Emirates.

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