Kidney transplant: a special gift between spouses


Article written by

A.-C.Roth, F.Prabonnaud Z.Berkous, G.Liaboeuf, N.Lachaud – France 2

France Televisions

This week, in Paris, a kidney was transplanted for the second time on another patient, but each year, more than 3,500 kidneys are transplanted. A figure that shows the progress made in organ transplantation.

For this couple, it’s a day that will be remembered. The husband, Philippe, aged 53, is going to make a somewhat special gift. He will offer his kidney to his wife, who has been diagnosed with severe kidney failure resulting from a hereditary disease. For her husband, it was normal to proceed with this transplant. “It’s a medical solution and if I can be part of the solution, I am,” says Philippe Schiano.

Before proceeding with a transplant, the compatibility between the two spouses must be tested. A series of preparatory meetings to explain and accompany the transplant recipient and the donor. It is obviously necessary to ensure the good health of the recipient, but not to harm the person who makes an organ donation. During the operation, everything is a question of timing and the removed organ must not be left without oxygen. The transplant recipient will receive their kidney a little over two hours later.

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