Kheira Hamraoui supported: finally good news for the player!

Will we ever see the end of the case involving Kheira Hamraoui ? Since her assault on November 4, the 32-year-old has been making headlines in the media. That day, she was violently attacked by two individuals and if suspicions were first directed towards her teammate at Paris Saint-Germain Aminata Diallo, the investigators of the banditry repression brigade (BRB) of the judicial police of Versailles end up turning to a romantic quarrel. The former player of the France team Éric Abidal is then involved in the case, he who had an extramarital relationship with the footballer.

After many twists and turns, the investigation seems to have started on new tracks, but Kheira Hamraoui has since returned to training. A complicated comeback for the sportswoman who has to face the gaze of her teammates after this very media episode. Fortunately, she can count on the support of the coach of the France team Corinne Deacon. The latter decided to select her for the next Blue matches and she came to her defense at a press conference. “We must not forget that Kheira is a victim in history. We kind of forget to talk about it lately.”she recalled in particular.

The story that came out is in the private domain, it does not concern me and it does not concern anyone

A return to the national team which should do good for the morale of the one who could not be called up in November “compared to the history that we know”, underlined Corinne Deacon. When asked if she is not afraid to complicate the task by calling her back, the coach wants to be firm. “The players who make up the France team are professional, the best interest is the national team. Kheira is efficient. The story that came out is in the private domain, it does not concern me and it does not concern me. anybody. It will take a lot of humanity.”, she says. If she assures that a “discussion took place“with Kheira Hamraoui prior to this summons, Corinne Deacon does not wish to reveal its content.

Very good news for the PSG player, who will finally find Les Bleues and she now knows that she can count on the unfailing support of her coach.

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