Kheira Hamraoui returns for the first time to his attack: ‘I thought I was going to stay there…’

It was supposed to be a great evening between girlfriends and Paris Saint-Germain players, but it quickly turned into a nightmare for Kheira Hamraoui on November 4, 2021 when she returns home, to her home in Chatou (Yvelines). Accompanied by her club teammate Aminata Diallo, the 32-year-old young woman was the victim of a very violent attack by two hooded men. “I experienced an attack of incredible violence. Two hooded strangers took me out of the car I was in to beat me with iron bars in the legs”she says today in the newspaper The Team.

I was completely haggard, lost, confused, and overwhelmed by events

A terrible moment for the player of the France team, who believed that the worst was going to happen to her. That evening, I really thought I was going to stay there… I was screaming in pain. I tried to protect myself as much as possible. This scene, for me, lasted five minutes. It was unbearable. I keep a very painful memory, very heavy “, she recalls today. An extremely violent attack that will mark Kheira Hamraoui for several days. “I was completely haggard, lost, confused, and overwhelmed by events. It took me several days to resurface”continues the player.

A case that caused a real media torrent with the involvement of his teammate Aminata Diallo, as well as the discovery of the extramarital affair between Kheira Hamraoui and Éric Abidal. However, this is the very first time that Kheira Hamraoui has decided to speak publicly about this affair. A long wait that she justifies today: “I chose to remain silent because I already needed to rebuild myself. Then I didn’t want to express myself until the season was over.”

Very marked by the aggression and the media outburst that followed, Kheira Hamraoui therefore decided to express herself for the first time by recounting in detail this night of horror which changed everything for her.

Find the interview of Kheira Hamraoui in full on the site of The Team.

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