Kheira Hamraoui breaks the silence and publishes terrible photos: “They beat me up”

It is a scandal that shakes French football. If among men, the Pogba affair takes on considerable media coverage, a footballer from the French women’s team is currently causing a lot of ink to flow, it is Kheira Hamraoui.

On November 4, 2021, when she was accompanied to her home in Chatou en Yvelines by her PSG teammate Aminata Diallo, the 32-year-old young woman was the victim of a violent attack by two hooded men. As for Aminata Diallo, who had spent forty hours in police custody for having witnessed the scene, she was indicted this Friday, September 16 for “aggravated violence” and “conspiracy”. She was then remanded in custody.

Kheira Hamraoui has “believed to die”

This Saturday, September 17, the 32-year-old young woman posted a long message on Twitter where she returned to her night of horror on November 4, 2021: “After very long months of suffering, I have decided to come out of silence. I will never forget this evening of November 4, 2021. It haunts me night and day. This dark evening which turned my personal and professional life upside down, my life as a woman and as a footballer. This sad evening when I thought I was going to die when two hooded men forced me out of a vehicle. They beat me with iron bars, mainly targeting my lower body. That night, their objective was simple: to use extreme violence to remove my work tool by breaking my legs and put an end to my career (…) For very long months after my attack, I was unjustly insulted on the pitch, harassed on social networks and threatened with death. Nevertheless, I tried to hold on with all my strength to my passion and to remain professional. This period is certainly one of the most difficult in my life as a woman and as a top athlete. Especially since the adventure of the France team, so important to me, is now being written without me.”

The footballer was keen to share some shocking photos of her injuries which are apparent on her hand and legs.

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