Kheira Hamraoui back with Les Bleues for the Tournoi de France

The coach of the France team, Corinne Deacon, recalled the Paris Saint-Germain player on Wednesday for the first time since the start of the Hamraoui affair.

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The coach of the France team, Corinne Deacon, unveiled, Wednesday, February 8, her list of 26 players selected to play in the Tournoi de France (February 13 to 21). Among them is Paris Saint-Germain midfielder Kheira Hamraoui (39 caps), recalled to Les Bleues more than a year after her last cap and 15 months after the attack she suffered in Yvelines, the November 4, 2021.

“We will leave what happened in the past, look to the future and focus on the field, explained Corinne Deacon when discussing the situation of the 33-year-old player. She has playing time in 2022 and this tournament should allow me to do a squad review. This is an opportunity for her to show us her desire to join the France group.”

The former FC Barcelona player, who is applying for a place for the World Cup in Australia and New Zealand (July 20-August 20), has gradually found playing time at PSG in recent months and will therefore be in the squad. tricolor to face Denmark (February 15), Uruguay (18) and Norway (21) in the next friendly tournament. On the other hand, this will not be the case for Lyonnaise Amel Majri, returning to competition after her pregnancy. We agreed that she would have an additional six weeks to prepare before the April rally.”explained the coach about him.

Deacon kicks in touch on the FFF

Corinne Deacon also refused to discuss the current situation that the French Football Federation is going through, while Noël Le Graët has stepped back from his presidency. “I am aware that we all have in mind the news of the FFF of which I am an employee. I will stick to answering your questions concerning our competitions and our objectives”decided the former international before announcing his group and leaving it to his press officer to kick questions from journalists on the subject, during the press conference.

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