Kevin Costner directs a great classic western by the book

After “Dances with Wolves” (1990), Kevin Costner returned to the western, revisiting the entire Hollywood vein.

France Télévisions – Culture Editorial


Reading time: 2 min

Kevin Costner in front of and behind the camera "Horizon" (2024).  (METROPOLITAN FILMEXPORT)

Kevin Costner loves the West and knows how to film it, with a common thread running through Horizon the “frontier” for 15 years, before and after the Civil War. In Dancing with the wolveshe dealt with the Indian wars. This time, he moves on to the birth of a city, placed under the tutelage of a gang. He also goes through the conflict between a federal fort and the Indians, against the backdrop of a mining discovery, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.

With the title Horizonwe were expecting a film in scope, which is unfortunately not the case. It is the rare hitch to a work that divides the critics, on screens Wednesday July 3, 2024.

The old pioneer who finds his land in Montana around 1855, at the beginning of the film, will be at the origin of a city thanks to the vein he discovered. A couple of young migrants and their two children settle on its outskirts. The city is under the domination of a gang and Indian attacks are constant. Until the arrival of a stranger, a sharp shooter, who will restore a little order to all that.

Like Sergio Leone who saw the birth of America on the train, Kevin Costner sees it sprouting in the city. The first chapter of a trilogy of ten hours in total, the journey is worth the detour. Costner films the canyons like federal forts, and the mountains like tepees. He visualizes in the landscape the conflict between “white eyes” and Indians.

Sergio Leone gave birth to his town of Sweetwater in its water source. Costner gives birth to his Wyoming town in his mine. From natural origins, we move on to industrialization. Over the fifteen years covered by the film, a date appears in the middle: 1888, 23 years after the end of the Civil War. History matters to Costner and he visualizes it with conviction. The “frontier”, a key notion of the American nation and the western, is at the heart of the film, as in Dancing with the wolves. The content given to it by the author in Horizonafter territorial and civilizational, is economic.

Horizon is like a sequel to his pro-Indian western, and Costner directs and plays the hero in both films. Hayes Ellison succeeds Lieutenant John J. Dunbar, incarnations of humanist characters, even if they have to kill, American civilization having been born in violence. A good part of his cinema reflects this. With its magnificent light, its grandiose landscapes and its epic romance, Kevin Costner wonderfully maintains the legend of the West.

The second part of the trilogy is expected on August 16, and filming of chapter 3 begins in 2024.

Gender : Western
Directors: Kevin Costner
Actors: Kevin Costner, Sienna Miller, Sam Worthington
Duration : 3h01
Exit : Wednesday July 3 2024
Distributer : Metropolitan FimExport
Synopsis: Set over a 15-year period before and after the Civil War, the expansion into the West is fraught with challenges, from the elements, to interactions with the indigenous peoples who lived on the land, to the ruthless determination of those who sought to colonize it…

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