Kev Adams upset by the recent revelations of Sylvie Tellier? She responds and makes a point

On April 15, TF1 viewers were able to discover a new issue of Mask Singer 2022. And unfortunately for Sylvie Tellier, who was hiding under the Chameleon costume, investigators Alessandra Sublet, Jarry, Anggun and Kev Adams unmasked her. Once with her face uncovered, the latter swung an anecdote about the 30-year-old comedian, a subject she returned to during an interview for Gala.

Our colleagues asked him if Kev Adams had been upset as a result of his secrets about him. “I don’t know, I’ll tell you that later. Kev, I’ve been rooming him for a few years on this, he knows. And on the one hand he says I’m his mother-in-law, when I’m not that old at all, so he started it“, confided Sylvie Tellier amused, to our colleagues from Gala. And near TV Starshe clarified that each Miss was free to live the life she wanted, that it was just a joke “because Kev was very close to Iris [ils ont formé un couple durant un an, NDLR]”.”And then he often came to Miss France. JI don’t push vice to interfere in their personal life, they do what they want“, she concluded.

These are sequences that amused a lot. Following the Chameleon’s performance on resist of France Gall, the investigators were all convinced that Sylvie Tellier was hiding under the costume. “It makes sense she came to send a message to the misses: stop dating Kev Adams“, had joked Kev Adams. And after Jarry made it known that the general manager of the Miss France society was a very good friend, he added: “I know her less. Every time I passed her she said to me: ‘What are you doing here, get out of here, get out.“A statement that did not go on deaf ears.

Once unmasked at the end of the show, Sylvie Tellier clarified that she already knew Kev Adams. “Everything he said was true. Every time I ran into him, I kicked him out of a room so that was it“, she launched. A revelation which made a lot of laughs on the set and which the main interested party quickly confirmed. : “I confess that I did not know Sylvie at all in this respect, the funny respect, the chameleon respect. Me, I knew Sylvie from: ‘Kev, you have to go home now, that’s enough.‘”, he declared. And the candidate concluded that she was asking him to stop scratching at the window.

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