Kev Adams taken for “uneducated”: not upset, the star of “Retirement home” says

After an intense promotional tour throughout France, the film Retirement home finally released in the cinema. Wednesday, February 16, 2022, the new comedy with Kev Adams at the top of the bill is unveiled to the public. During the presentation of the film at the Alpe d’Huez Festival last January, went to meet the actor, particularly attached to this story celebrating the sharing between generations.

During his very first visit to the Comedy Festival, Kev Adams agreed to play the game of the venerable interview. The opportunity for the comedian to denounce the isolation of the elderly characters, which has unfortunately increased since the start of the health crisis: “When we wrote this film two years ago, that was already the case. But then there for two years, it is absolutely unbearable what is happening. There is a real split between the younger generation and the older one. This film is also there for that, to bring these generations together“, underlines the one who says he had the chance to be largely raised by his grandparents.

If he is not necessarily known to be a theater actor, the ex-companion of Iris Mittenaere explains that he grew up with the great classics, in particular Molière. Reference that the spectators will find elsewhere in the film. “It is important for the younger generation to be interested in this kind of classic text (…). I grew up with that. The first play I did at the theater when I was 14 was The Imaginary Invalid.” Not susceptible, the actor adds: “There is a journalist elsewhere who said to me: ‘It is very surprising coming from you.’ It made me laugh because it really goes: ‘You this kind of uneducated that you are, it’s crazy to see you playing Molière.’

Look forward to being old!

As for aging, the one who has just passed the milestone of 30 years confides not to fear the signs of age. “There is a sentence in the film that touches me a lot, which says: ‘It’s a bit the only solution not to die young, to grow old.’ I really like this formula. And since I have absolutely no desire to die young, well, can’t wait to be old!“However, he recently admitted to being somewhat “in panic” since he blew his 30 candles…

In Retirement home, Kev Adams plays the main role of Milann, 30, who finds himself forced to perform 300 hours of community service in a retirement home in order to avoid prison. His first weeks are a real hell, but he is quickly adopted by retirees, in particular by a band of 7 inseparable who teach him, each in their own way, their vision of life. Over the weeks, Milann discovers that the establishment is taking advantage of the vulnerability of its residents to rip them off. He then decides to organize a great escape, but he is not at the end of his troubles…

A comedy directed by Thomas Gilou, in which Kev Adams gives the reply to Gérard Depardieu, Daniel Prévost, Mylène Demongeot or Liliane Rovère. A certain Jean-Paul Belmondo had been approached to join this cast, in vain…

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