Ketanji Brown Jackson, new judge at the US Supreme Court and (small) victory for Joe Biden

Ketanji Brown Jackson, 51, a brilliant magistrate appointed by Democratic President Joe Biden as a Supreme Court judge, was confirmed Thursday, April 7 by the Senate: 53 votes for, 47 against. It passes ric-rac, but at the announcement of the result of the vote, the American vice-president and president of the Senate, Kamala Harris, displays a radiant smile. Republican senators leave the hemicycle. The Democrats rise to a standing ovation.

It’s a wonderful day“, says Democratic Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, “a day of joy, an exhilarating day for the Senate, for the Supreme Court and for the United States“. So far, 115 judges have served since the creation of the institution, 233 years ago: among them there have been only five (white) women and two black men.

Daughter of teachers, Ketanji Brown Jackson studied in Miami in the same high school as Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon. By “pride in their heritage” and “hope for the future” she told Congress, her parents gave her an African name, Ketanji Onyika, which means “the charming”.

A law graduate from the prestigious Harvard University, married to a surgeon, in 2009 she was appointed vice-president of the Federal Sentencing Commission by Barack Obama, an independent agency responsible for harmonizing criminal policy in the United States. She becomes then federal judge, which gives him the opportunity to rule several times against the Trump administration. In particular, she challenges a decree which plans to accelerate the expulsion of illegal immigrants and disavows the ex-president, who is trying to prevent Congress from summoning one of his advisers, writing: “Presidents are not kings“.

During his hearing in Congress, Ketanji Brown Jackson has assumed its role asmodel” for “little girls all over the country“and hoped that his confirmation would increase”trust” of African Americans in the justice system. For two years, she was a lawyer in the legal aid services in Washington, where she defended destitute defendants as a public defender. The Supreme Court does not will not be a discovery for her since she was also the assistant of the judge whom she replaces today.

Except that his appointment will not change the balance of power within the Supreme Court. The institution still has six conservative judges for three progressives. All are appointed for life, there will be no renewal for some time.

This court, which arbitrates on major issues such as abortion, homosexual marriage or the death penalty, is therefore anchored for several years, even several decades, on the side of social conservatism.

His nomination is also a political victory for Joe Biden: it was one of his campaign promises. The American president was also quick to publish a selfie with the new judge, whom he will receive with great fanfare on Friday April 8 at the White House.

To tell the truth, the American president really needs a new lease of life. The Democrats are off to a bad start for the mid-term legislative elections looming in November. The United States may be experiencing a dazzling economic rebound, inflation is weighing on Americans’ purchasing power and the president’s confidence rating, around 41, has not been able to take off.

The nomination of Ketanji Brown Jackson, “KBJ” as the Americans already call him, allows the Democrats to place one of their key pieces just in time. What to remobilize for example the African-American electorate, who feels neglected since the beginning of his mandate and to whom Joe Biden owes his election. The induction of KBJ has also been welcomed by figures such as Michelle Obama, the son of Martin Luther King or the charismatic Stacey Abrams, black candidate for governor of Georgia.

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