Kentucky floods kill 15, including children, toll could double

The toll of the devastating floods in Kentucky, in the east of the United States, has risen to fifteen dead and is expected to double again, warned the governor of this state on Friday July 29. “It’s appallingAndy Beshear told CNN. The number of Kentucky residents we’ve lost now stands at 15, and should at least double again.”. The toll, which was previously eight dead, “will also include children”added the elected Democrat.

>> Floods in Europe: how global warming has gone from “threat to future generations” to imminent danger

All the emergency services, including the National Guard, the police and reinforcements from neighboring States, are mobilized to come to the aid of the victims of the “worst flooding ever experienced by Kentucky”he specified. Torrential rains fell on the east of this rural state overnight from Wednesday to Thursday, turning some roads into rivers and forcing residents to take refuge on the roof of their homes while waiting for help.

About 50 air rescues and hundreds of boat rescues have already taken place, according to the governor. “But there is so much water, the currents are so strong that we cannot reach everyone”added the elected Democrat.

The elected official hopes that the federal government will pronounce a declaration of natural disaster during the day, while the precipitation is expected to continue until Friday evening. The flood alert was maintained.

With human-induced global warming, the atmosphere contains more water vapour, increasing the chances of heavy rainfall events, scientists say. These rains, associated with other factors linked in particular to land development, promote flooding.

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