Kelly Vedovelli swings in TPMP and ignites the web!

Kelly Vedovelli was back in Do not touch My TV on C8 this Monday, January 17. But obviously, this news does not have more to several fans of the show! “I didn’t miss Kelly”, “Oh no Kelly came back, we were fine without her”, “I was happy until I saw that Kelly was there!!!”, wrote some netizens.

Other comments poured in when she said on set: “They don’t offer me much on this channel so I might just walk away”.

“Is she paid Kelly Vedovelli tonight? No pck we didn’t hear her voice”, “Kelly since you read the tweets on Cyril you must read the tweets on you surely so know that you are next to the plate at each of your interventions”, “Well that she frankly stops whether she’s there or not, there’s not a big difference”, “I was happy until I saw that Kelly was there !!! damn well go there you”, “I hope it’s useless so we can watch TPMP every day”, “Can someone tell me what it’s for Kelly V in #TPMP”, “Kelly it’s a fictitious job”, “Kelly please shut up!!!!! It’s only fun around the table… And stop putting pressure you want to leave… Get out!!!!”, “It was better when she was a fake DJ”, could we read in the reactions.

Subsequently, Cyril Hanouna announced that she was going to participate in the reboot of Girls Next Door on C8. “She passed the cast of Girls Next Door with flying colors”. A series that Baba will co-produce with Jean-Luc Azoulay. The columnist should give the answer to the wife of Jean-Pierre Pernaut, Nathalie Marquay-Pernaut. “I passed the casting in June, and apparently my tests were good. It’s not signed yet, but it should be”, she told Tele-Star.

See also: “Not Jul, not Gims, not Ninho… it’s nameless shit”, Cyril Hanouna asks viewers to boycott Les Victoires de la musique


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