Kelly Vedovelli reveals her very strange passion which may disgust more than one

Some like cats, others like dogs. As surprising as it may seem, there are also those who prefer insects. Or people with a great passion for feet… In short, all kinds of passions exist and some can sometimes be strange. There is no doubt that that of Kelly Vedovelli should surprise more than one and break her glamorous image that sticks so much to her skin. Indeed, this Tuesday, January 25, the pretty blonde revealed what she “loved to do” when Cyril Hanouna gave her the floor.

Before that, Cyril Hanouna challenged his columnists, as he likes to do so, by offering them to put as many marshmallows as possible in their mouths. In addition to his talents in animation and his ability to easily lose weight, Benjamin Castaldi has proven that he has a lot of room in this part of his body. Given that the one who will become a grandfather in the coming months won hands down the challenge launched by the host of TPMP. This “activity” giving ideas to Kelly Vedovelli. The fact of having revealed the ability to put “things” in the mouth and the throat allowed him to reveal his strange passion which greatly surprised the chroniclers on the set.

“I have a passion, it is to put noses in my mouth”, she launched to the surprise of her colleagues and Cyril Hanouna. The pretty blonde goes even further and adds: “Yes, I love blowing noses, can I do that for you?”. Finally, few people wanted to test the columnist’s ability to put her truffle in her mouth. But we still retain her talent which could be useful, you never know, depending on the situation that presents itself to her.

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