Kelly Helard: Her 2nd marriage to Neymar, her first revelations (EXCLUDED)

On June 15, 2022, Kelly Helard released his first book called All that for my weight! Diary of a lifetime battling the pounds, at Talent Editions. A book in which she returns in particular to her struggle to lose weight which notably led her to consume drugs or to have recourse to cosmetic surgery. Throughout her fight, she was able to count on significant support: that of her husband Neymar (Salim of his real name). A man with whom she has a very nice project as she confided during an interview for Purepeople.

How was this project born?

It’s been quite a while since I wanted to write a book to do prevention on the nonsense I’ve done, reality TV and other subjects. I had the click one evening, in front of A family in gold. The question was “What is the favorite job of children?” and the answer was “youtuber”. I was shocked because even if it’s a good job, some people don’t make it. If it doesn’t work, what are they going to do? I told myself that if tomorrow everything stopped for me, it was going to be complicated. However, I have a BTS, I was a store manager. I then wanted to talk about my story, my regrets like having redone my buttocks, the worst mistake of my life. It’s a way for me to sound the alarm bells for young people about cosmetic surgery or filters. We must influence them in a positive way. I also wanted to denounce the fact that I was the victim of moral harassment when I made Les Ch’tis.

Neymar recently proposed to you again. Tell us how it happened?

We had our first wedding in Las Vegas [en 2014, NDLR]. We wanted. We thought we were going to make it official in France when we got back. But we went on our honeymoon and I got pregnant. As I had lost one of my twins, we weren’t too keen on that and then it was too late to make it official. And we realized that we weren’t even PACS so we’re going to PACS. We are owners, it is a way of protecting our children. It’s also to celebrate our love again too. We are going to have a religious wedding for September or October, we will be maybe ten because we are not very big party. It will not be filmed, but the PACS will, for Mamans & Célèbres.

You talk about your loved ones in the book and sometimes let them speak. We learn in particular that you are no longer in contact with your dad. What happened ?

At the time, I didn’t necessarily get along with my mother-in-law. For me, she had taken the place of my mother. Then, certain things happened with his family that were very complicated. One day, I told my father that I wanted to continue seeing him, but without my mother-in-law. He refused, telling me that I had to accept his wife. So I stopped seeing him. I was 16 at the time. My father took it very badly. He moved south afterwards and I let it go until the day I became a mother. I understood that it was normal for him to defend his wife. We reconnected three years ago, at the very beginning of Mamans & Célèbres. I hadn’t seen him for ten years. Today, I know that he had several heart attacks and that my mother-in-law was there for him. You have to know how to forgive, she took good care of him and today we get along very well. I am happy to have found my father.

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