Kelly Helard cash in on the ‘horrible’ cosmetic surgery she regrets (EXCLUDED)

Kelly Helard is an outspoken woman and proved it again in her book All that for my weight! Diary of a lifetime battling the pounds (released on June 15, 2022 by Talent Editions). Without taboo, she revealed that she had used drugs to lose weight. She also returned to how she lost many pounds and mentioned the plastic surgery operation that she regrets.

Besides drugs, you tried to lose weight through surgery and you regretted it. Why did you take the leap?

I was influenced at the time. I wanted to redo my buttocks, when I could have had a result by playing sports. I had told them not to make it too big and that was not the case. Plus it was full of cellulite, there were holes everywhere. It’s shame, it’s horrible. And we don’t say that on social media. The girls put filters on the networks so that it does not show. I was told that they were going to operate on me for free in Tunisia, so I went there. But I was not happy with the result and I told myself that I should have inquired beforehand. I may have influenced other people and I regret it.

You finally turned to sport and a healthier diet to lose your pounds afterwards. What was your strength?

Self-acceptance already. Before agreeing to take part in Mamans & Célèbres, I was at the beach and I saw women who were rounder than me in two-piece bathing suits. I was in one room and I was hiding. I said to myself that they were beautiful and wondered why I did not feel well. It was the trigger. After that, it was Mamans & Célèbres. On screen, I said I was going to lose 10 pounds in three months, so it would have been a shame if I hadn’t. I am a determined person so I did it. I was super happy. Then there was the confinement and I got pregnant. I took it all back. Fortunately, I had lost 10 kilos before anyway.

Where are you today?

I lost all my pregnancy pounds, so I’m very happy. I’m proud now and I let go a little more. I tell myself that we are not within 2 or 3 kilos. I want to live again. Be careful all the time, it’s not easy. I just don’t want to exceed 5 kilos more. I feel good in my body. I know there are still things to do, but don’t obsess over it all the time. Especially since at some point the body no longer wants. You have to clean your liver, that’s what I learned not long ago. There are plenty of things to think about.

What did Neymar tell you when you gained weight?

He didn’t tell me anything. When I quit drugs, I gained ten kilos. Plus my 35 kilos when I got pregnant. We got together, a year later we got married in Las Vegas and a week later, I got pregnant. It was not wanted. And we were originally supposed to have twins, but I lost one. But I think my body still took on the weight of the twins. It is not possible otherwise. So I gained 45 kilos in all.

If TV and influence ever stop, do you know what you’ll do?

I have an aesthetic BTS so why not go back to this universe. Afterwards, I developed journalistic talents which are not bad all the same, as well as commercial ones. I negotiate very well.

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