Kelly Helard: “A little off the mark”, she reveals her new cosmetic surgery operation

On April 5, 2022, Kelly Helard worried his community. The candidate of Moms & Famous (TFX) filmed herself in the hospital. Very quickly, Neymar’s wife explained why she had been hospitalized.

Kelly Helard filmed herself lying on her hospital bed, looking a little tired with bandages visible on her chest. “Although woken“, she clarified. She unsurprisingly received many messages afterwards in order to find out what was going on. “Still in the hospital. I hope to return this afternoon. I rest. Thank you for your message, I will answer you a little later“, she simply wrote in the caption of images of her room, the next day.

It took five hours to discover her in her car, alongside Neymar. And very quickly, the mother of Lyam (born in November 2015) and Lyana (1 year old) explained why she had to go to the hospital: “We’re in the car, we’re going home. For those who haven’t followed, I changed my breast prostheses and I had a facelift, due to breastfeeding, pregnancy, all that. So we preferred to stay the night at the clinic. I’ll tell you a bit more about it, I think I’m still a bit under anesthesia. I’m still a little off the markbut I wanted to reassure you.

No doubt that Kelly Helard will reveal the result as soon as possible. The beautiful brunette has always been very transparent with her subscribers and has never hidden that she had had cosmetic surgery. She also regretted one of them as she confided to Gossip Room in January 2022. In 2018, she underwent liposuction in hopes of regaining her pre-pregnancy body. But she quickly realized that she shouldn’t have. “I thought I was going to come out of the block very thin, because that’s what most people think. And actually no, liposuction, no, it doesn’t help you lose weight at all. Otherwise I would already be thin. (…) I had lost everything. My butt was rags, so I put it back in. The surgeon made me huge buttocks. I always put something around. I was complexed. It was really awful. I think it was at a time when I was perhaps influenced by all those of TV“, she explained in particular.

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