Keiona attacks Chris Marques in the middle of the show, Emmanuel Macron in the front row

Friday April 12, 2024, the attention of the whole of France, and even of the President of the Republic, was turned towards the eighth bonus of Dance with the stars. During the quarter-finals, several candidates competed on the dance floor.

DALS: eventful quarter-finals

After its official launch on Friday February 17, 2024 on TF1, the new new season of Dancing with the Stars is fast approaching its conclusion. Next week, it will indeed already be time for the semi-final.

During a breathtaking evening of grace and movement, it is Inès Reg who shone by arriving at the top of the ranking. The energy of this young comedian,
who also found herself at the heart of a controversy with singer Natasha St Pier, won the hearts of the public and the jury.

But the competition was close, and just behind Inès Reg stood there famous Keiona, flamboyant drag queen, performer and dancer. The latter does not have her tongue in her pocket and did not hesitate to reframe one of the judges, Chris Marques.

“My performance did not deserve this rating”Keiona’s rant

When the candidates’ scores were revealed, tension was at its height. All the jurors gave Keiona a remarkable 9 for her performance, with the exception of Chris Marques, who decided to give her a 7.

Keiona did not hesitate to openly express her dissatisfaction with the jury. “My performance did not deserve this rating. we are in a competition where I am a novice. I’m a beginner. I’ve never done this before. So, you have to give me grace when I give a show like that.”

The artist also denounced unfair treatment of which she felt a victim since the start of the show. His comment left a small moment of embarrassment on the set of the show.

Keiona, supported by dancer Maxime Dereymez

Keiona was of course supported by the dancerMaxime Dereymez, who also expressed his dissatisfaction. “I think you shouldn’t be too fussy. We’re not at the world championship, friends.”

One of the members of the jury, Chris Marques did not hesitate to answer him frankly “I’m not going to tell you everything is great when it’s not.”. He then reassures her by explaining that he finds her very talented and that he would like to see her come first and win the competition.

Chris Marques doesn’t have his tongue in his pocket either and we remember that the tone was raised between him and Fauve Hautot.

The sequel to Dancing with the Stars promises to be full of twists and turns!

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