kayaker Manon Hostens validates her ticket for the World Cup

“I made a full box”, enthuses Manon Hostens this Sunday, on the way back after several days of competitions, in Vaires-sur-Marne (Seine-et-Marne). She won this weekend the national line race selections, in K1 and K2 500 meters. She therefore validates her ticket for the World Cup events in May, in Racice, in the Czech Republic, then in Poznan, in Poland. If she finishes in the top eight of the World Cup, she will qualify for the World Championships in Halifax (Canada) in early August.

I can’t wait to see this on an international level now!

“I’m very happy, I feel fit, smiles Manon Hostens at the microphone of France Bleu Périgord. I follow competitions very well. I can’t wait to see this on an international level now!” This weekend also marked her debut with her new teammate Vanina Paoletti, with new benchmarks.

Two World Cup events and a World Championship in a few weeks

Already at the beginning of the week, Monday April 18, Manon Hostens validated her qualification for the Downhill World Championships. The competition is held from June 3 to 6 in Treignac, in Corrèze. After putting aside this event to focus on road racing at the Olympic Games, the Périgord wanted to try the experience of downhill again to experience an international competition almost at home.

The program for the next few weeks is therefore busy for Périgord. She plans to recover for a few days before completing a two-week internship.

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