Kaviar, the new wine bar at Central

This is the place we’ve been waiting for: a wine bar worthy of the name, right in the Quartier des spectacles, where you can hang your feet for a drink or more if you like.

Located in the Central, offering a view of the pretty Tranquille esplanade, Kaviar benefits from a privileged location.

Idea of ​​restaurateur Dominic Laflamme (Heirloom Pizzéria, General Staff), the wine bar can count on the talented duo of sommeliers made up of Steve Beauséjour and Catherine Fabi to fill its drinking menu, filled with beautiful and good finds in private imports (with a penchant for natural wine), including a few Quebec pearls throughout, including vintages from Vignoble La Bauge, a Beauséjour project.

Thanks to the purchase of gleaming machines to keep open bottles stable, customers can benefit from a wide selection by the glass – and even champagne!

We don’t just drink here, since a variety of small dishes are offered: hummus and challah bread, vegetables and aioli, gougères with Gruyère cheese, shrimp cocktail, garnished eggs, pressed foie gras…

Caviar is obviously included in its classic form or in “bumps”, to be lowered with a shoot very cold vodka.

Open Tuesday to Sunday, noon and evening

30 Sainte-Catherine Street West, Montreal

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