Katie Price has 13th breast surgery … just before being sent to jail ?!

Another surprise stab for Katie Price! Latest news, and according to newspaper information The Sun, the 43-year-old Briton flew to Overijse, near Brussels in Belgium, to join her favorite surgeon, Dr Frank Plovier. On the program of his passage on the billiards? A thirteenth intervention on his chest – breast lift – and full liposuction of the body, in particular to take a certain fatty mass installed on the level of her buttocks … even though she was thought to be pregnant with her 6th child.

A priori, this surgical intervention was filmed and should be broadcast on Katie Price’s Youtube channel. It was on Friday December 10, 2021 that the English model landed in Belgium with her fiancé Carl Woods. A bit strange timing when we know that on December 15, 2021, she will finally learn if it falls or not a prison sentence. On September 28, she was indeed involved in a serious traffic accident and tested positive in tests to see if she had consumed alcohol and cocaine.

She’s completely in denial

Katie Price did well in rehab, as the court requested, but she could end up behind bars in a few hours. “She kept saying that her butt implants made her fat and that she wanted to have them removed, tells a friend in the newspaper The Sun. Everyone thinks she’s making a huge mistake. She could be in jail next week. But she’s completely in denial about the seriousness of the matter. When she has an idea in her head, she realizes it without thinking.“It is the guards of the prison who should be happy to see her arrive all dapper …

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