Katherine Levac offers a virtual show about her pregnancy

Comedian Katherine Levac delivers a new virtual show in which she shows her fans memories of her pregnancy.

Luc Boulanger

Luc Boulanger

Mme Levac made the announcement Thursday on his Instagram account. “It’s a tribute to the most productive, awe-inspiring and constipated nine months of my life,” she writes. I am proud to have this memory of my pregnancy and very happy to be able to offer you new jokes during my maternity leave. “

Note, the recording of the 60-minute show was made last summer by his lover, filmmaker Chloé Robichaud (Sarah prefers running, Country).

“It’s a formula that we see a lot among comedians in the United States, but I try it, as I will not be able to go to your respective cities in the coming months, too busy snorting the heads of my babies She continues.

His virtual show is called Fat, “Because my belly was big at that time, but also because I approach a period of my life when people loved it to comment on my weight”, concludes Levac.

Fat can be viewed for $ 15.

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