Goddess of the catwalk, queen of the night, Kate Moss wanted to impress the crowds during her various outings, all scheduled for Wednesday, November 9, 2022. The British model first went to the 40th anniversary of the Diet Coke brand, whose she recently became the artistic director, then went out to join friends in various very private clubs in London, Annabel’s and Lou Lou’s. The night then ended at the home of a member of this 100% VIP group, who would have welcomed the band at home around 2:30 am, just to continue their madness until no time.
Choosing such a low-cut and almost completely transparent dress, when you have planned to dance and move all evening, it necessarily represents a small risk. Risk that Kate Moss took, assumed and which she really had nothing to do with. Between two stages, the 48-year-old beauty inevitably let out a breast for all to see. Follower of the trend braless, the former girlfriend of Johnny Depp was not more offended than that by seeing that his chest was also visible. The important thing, that evening, is that she had to ensure that everyone had an exceptional evening for the 40th anniversary of Diet Coke. Which, apparently, was the case. Successful bet.
There is one who has inherited her beauty, and perhaps even her innate sense of celebration, it is her daughter Lila. Barely 20 years old, the young woman is already, like her mother, a key figure on the catwalks. She paraded last June during the last Paris Fashion Week and even went to the south of France, to Arles, to parade for Jacquemus and present the designer’s fall-winter 2022-2023 collection. Crazy about fashion, a fan of vintage, she sometimes even borrows her mother’s old outfits… and allows herself to share some learned advice with her. “But mom, nobody wears that anymore!“, does not hesitate to tell Kate Moss, as the latter tells in the pages of the magazine vogue. There is a dress that she may avoid, however, borrowing in low temperatures…