Kate Middleton would not be there for nothing!

The British were eagerly awaiting this historic event! On May 6, 2023, the coronation of Charles III took place in Westminster Abbey in London. A ceremony followed by the media from all over the world! In addition to members of the Firm and their relatives, more than 2,500 guests were invited. Despite his strained relations with certain members of the English crown, Prince Harry was also present… Unlike his wife Meghan Markle and their two children Archie and Lilibet.

On this same date, little Archie blew out his 4th candle. Out of sight, the Duchess of Sussex would have orchestrated an incredible birthday party for him. However, their absence continues to be talked about. It must be said that since Megxit Acted in 2020, the former American actress and her husband chained shock outings to the Windsors. To this day, princes Harry and William would still be cold. For her part, the daughter of Doria Ragland would never have digested countless past things.

see also:

Nothing is going well between Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton

This Wednesday, May 17, 2023, our colleagues from “Paris Match” dissected the personality of Kate Middleton. An emblematic figure of the English royal family, the happy mother of three children has literally seduced public opinion over the years. Missteps? Very little for her! However, behind the scenes, the pretty brunette would play with her influence. According to the famous magazine, the daughter-in-law of Charles III would have done everything so that Meghan Markle does not attend her coronation.

Indeed, Kate Middleton would have used an intermediary to slip to her sister-in-law that she would be relegated to the bottom of Westminster Abbey… In addition to being persona non grata. What cool the ex-wife of Trevor Engelson. Revelations that are likely to further fuel rumors of rivalry between the two women. To be continued…


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